1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 23: Ingall's Lake

Jack Creek valley from the trail up to Stuard Pass.

Jack Creek valley from the trail up to Stuart Pass.

Anyhow, back to the events of yesterday. Jack Creek is a very lovely valley walk. Prior to hitting the meadows below the ascent to Stuart pass, the only things of interest were:

  1. A huge avalanche alley that had left large trees scattered all the way to the stream bed. I remember seeing that from across the valley on my way up to Cradle Lake three weeks ago.
  2. The ruins of three small cabins right before the Solomon Creek intersection

Mt. Stuart and Ingalls Lake.

Mt. Stuart and Ingalls Lake.

The trail itself was difficult – just too bloody damn horsey on the lower stretches, then climbing STEEPLY up to Stuart Pass.   The views from the pass, by the way, are glorious. Mt. Stuart is directly to the left, or North, while Ingalls Peak and Ingalls Lake are to the right, or South.  The two are separated by the Ingalls Creek drainage. This is a hugely interesting geological area.  Mt. Stuart is a granite batholith, while Ingalls Peak is an igneous formation. So you have two very different geological constructs. If you bother to clamber around on Ingles Peak, you will find obsidian, that glassy black rock created by intense volcanic heat.

While picking my way through the rocky debris on the pass, I twisted my right ankle and went tumbling to the ground. I fell heavily upon my left knee and forearm, drawing blood from both. As I lay there whimpering on the sharp rocks the dogs nonchalantly took in the scenic views around us. They were remarkably disinterested in my plight, and I swear that Micki was thinking, ‘Karma’s a bitch, bitch!’

I snarled unflattering, totally uncivilized and threatening things to them as they panted away, their faces set in those ever-present doggie smiles.  Power, I reminded them, belongs to she who fills the food bowls.

Me and the pups at Ingalls Lake camp.

Me and the pups at Ingalls Lake camp.

So, now I’m here.  My knee is a little stiff, but I washed off all the crusted blood from both minor injuries and all is as good as can be expected in that department.  And I've got my one clean, dry of pair wool socks on, and my long-johns, plus both polypropylene turtlenecks.  I’m (relatively) clean and toasty warm.  I just went out to take a quick pee. It's a cloudless night – want to make any bets on how long that will last? Without the cloud covering, it should drop well below freezing tonight.

It rained lightly this morning – that makes nine straight days with rain.

– Keep reading.