1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 16: Cle Elum River

Looking over Deep Laketo where Circle Lake lies.

Looking over Deep Laketo where Circle Lake lies.

Monday, day 10
Cle Elum River Campground
We are camped where the Cathedral Eock trail starts.  We made camp today at around 2:20 PM. It was a slow day because we did a lot of socializing along the way. More on this later!

It rained off and on all night and was really quite chilly. Micki ended up in the sleeping bag with me again, while Mika Eiger had the jacket.  When I stuck my head out of the tent this morning at 8:10 AM I saw blue sky. Hot damn! A chance to dry things out and maybe even wash my hair!

But within 30-minutes, as I lay in the tent reading and munching on the few precious, rationed M&M's, it was partially clouded over. Oh well – might as well pick up camp and get moving before the rain started, I figured. So up towards Cathedral Pass we went, Micki in front – reluctant as usual.

I don't know why they call it Deep Lake because it most assuredly is not.  Maybe it's because it's surrounded by some pretty impressive mountains. Maybe I don't know and I'm just journal-babbling.

Circle Lake, on the other hand, is probably pretty spectacular. As we climbed switchback after switchback up out of the lake basin towards Cathedral Rock, I kept eyeing a possible route from Peggy’s Pond to Circle Lake. It looks bloody tough, to say the least. 

– Keep reading.