1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 13: To Waptus Lake

Just as we started down the Waptus Burn trail, the most wonderful thing happened. The clouds opened up just a little and a rainbow appeared over Waptus Lake. I took some quick photos and just enjoyed the moment. Then we 'beat feet' to get down to the intersection with the old PCT that heads south to Dutch Miller Gap. From there, we quickly dropped via a series of switchbacks to a bridged crossing of Shovel Creek.

Waptus Lake and the rainbow.

Waptus Lake and the rainbow.

We got this great campsite that's on a little peninsula just off the shore of Waptus Lake. You can’t see it from the trail at all!  The only reason I found it is I saw a campsite through the woods and went to investigate. As I look to see how hard it was going to be to get water I found this site. Someone has spent considerable energy building a log and boulder bridge over about 15-feet of marsh to create a nice little approach to this spot. It's a pretty little site and gets much more sun than anything in the forest would. It's a great place to lay over for another day!

There is, however, considerable garbage (particularly cans) lying about and in the water. Rainer!  If I was going to bother with the weight, I'd at least bring up some good beer.

Rainbow from our peninsula camp

Rainbow from our peninsula camp

I've been debating whether or not to try to wash my hair. Although it's not raining at the moment, there is no sun to speak of, either. I've only got one little towel to dry off with. No need to catch pneumonia! Besides, if I wash my hair, it will be sure to rain!

– Keep reading.