1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 7: Spectacle Lake

Three Queens from Spectacle Lake

Three Queens from Spectacle Lake

September 5, 1984
Wednesday, Day Five.

Spectacle Lake, Noon.

We really made it a far ways today, didn't we?  (Heavy sarcasm alert!)  Right now the dogs and I are huddled in the tent, sitting out a good old-fashioned Cascade rainstorm.  I knew that hot, sunny weather wouldn’t last for long once I got up here!

After leaving the Parks Lakes basin, we climbed steeply up to a hanging basin right on the shoulder of Three Queens Mountain. The ridge summit is known as Spectacle Point and the view north to Overcoat, Chimney, and Leamah was incredible. But then so was the view down to Spectacle Lake.

I just realized that I've been here three times and each time it's absolutely poured.  We'll stay here tonight and see what the weather does.

– Keep reading.