Photos: Glacier Peak Wilderness

The Glacier Peak Wilderness area is (according to that respected source, Wikipedia) 35-miles long by 20-miles wide. And is rugged and beautiful. The crown jewel is, of course, Glacier Peak.

With an eleveation of 10,541' Glacier Peak is not the highest peak in Washington, but for my money it sure is one of the prettiest.  Along with Mt. Stuart, it is my favorite mountain.  I've been around it on every side and it never ceases to awe me.

OBLIGATORY EXCUSE: I'll be adding photos and galleries here as I get a chance.  Right now I'm just trying to get the site up with what I've got ready.  And that took a long time and a LOT of effort, so please be patient.

Temporary page photo.  It's Glacier Peak!

I do apologize for this less-than-great photo, but as I was putting this page together I realized that I haven't scanned anything from the Glacier Peak Wilderness area yet. Boy, are you in for a treat when I get them up!