Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

The Boundary Trail

Day One, Monday

Yours truly, lounging about on the first morning out.

Tubby Cheeks, getting ready to head out on the great adventure.

Well, this trip sure started off poorly. We left Seattle in the late afternoon and drove over via the scenic North Cascades Highway. Lots of color along the way, which got me really excited for the hike. It took forever to get to our turnoff, then we got lost on the wrong logging road. It was pitch-black, so we really had no friggin’ idea where we were or where the road was going. We finally reached the Irongate trailhead at midnight.

‘We’ being M&D, me, and Micki. They all slept in back of M’s pickup truck, while I slept out in the open on top of a small hill. Meadow, M’s German Shepherd, kept coming over in the middle of the night to lick my face and try to get into my sleeping bag. Maybe she figured that since Micki was in her pickup, my bag was fair game. Since we were not both going to fit, it was her or me. I won.

Our complete party started out on the trail at 10 AM. The sky was blue and the weather was warm. What a great way to start out a hike! We reached Horseshoe Basin a little after 1 PM and took a lunch break. Then around 1:30 PM they turned around and headed back to the truck, while Micki and I struck off bravely, onto our two-week adventure in the Pasaytan Wilderness.

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