
Pieper was Cayuse's sister, and a sweeter dog never lived.  She was always content to follow at my heels no matter how slow I trudged up a trail.  Every bit as smart as her sister, she never sought the limelight.  She was happy to sit back while everyone 'oohed!' and fussed over her sister.  That's because she was content with who she was.  And so was I.

She was named after a pass on the PCT just south of Stevens Pass. She was actually named first, then I named Cayuse after the further-south Cayuse Pass.  So they were mountain dogs from the get-go!


Pieper with Mica at Blue Lakes

Pieper on her first hike, to Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow. She's pictured with Mica.

Sweet Pieper, Cayuse's steady and even-keeled sister.