1983: Rampart Ridge

Into Rachel Lake

Rachel Lake.  From here, you have NO idea of what's up above.

Rachel Lake's south cove. From here, you have an idea of what's up above on Rampart Ridge.

Sunday, June 26, 1983
Day Two, 3:52 PM
Rampart Lakes

D. dropped me off last night at about 5:30 PM and I have to say that the trip has not started off so splendidly. The first bad sign was not being able to get to the trailhead – the bridge was out. So after D. drop me off, I had to ford the stream. It wasn't a real big deal but it was annoying. And my boots, socks and lower pant legs were wet for the rest of the day.

So, up the trail I went with my boots making the all-too-familiar "squish-squish" noise.

I pitched camp at a spot about four-miles in, right before the beginning of the big climb up to Rachel Lake. Of course, it poured all night long – continually and plentifully. When D. and I left town at around 11AM, it was overcast but there were just a few showers now and then… nothing like the biblical deluge we experienced the first night.

Rachel Lake was packed last night!  I suppose it seemed that way because there is still quite a bit of snow around and only six to eight snow free camp spots available. That meant all the campers were concentrated into a pretty small area. Most of the sites were occupied by the time the dogs and I arrived at roughly 1:30 in the afternoon. We met a ton of people going out and the lake was still pretty populated when we arrived.

So, the decision was made – in the rain – to head for Rampart Lakes. I figured, “Hey it's only a short mile or so further!”

Famous last words.

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