1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 19: Paddy-Go-Easy Pass to Meadow Creek


Socks drying by Meadow Creek fire.

Socks drying by Meadow Creek fire.

Tuesday, Day 11
Jack Creek
Can you picture it – me sitting in front of a rip-roaring fire drinking Raspberry Kool-Aid and catching my journal up, as two pair of wool socks steam away next to the afore-mentioned fire.  Okay, you don't even have to imagine, I took a picture.

It rained last night and most of today. That makes eight straight days with rain, but who’s counting?  Truth be told, it really hasn't been that bad – today was the first day we had to do any real mileage in heavy rain. And hike we did – 11-miles up and over Paddy-Go-Easy Pass. Boy, that Paddy sure built himself one hell of a trail up that mountain! 

Near top of Paddy-Go-Easy Pass

Near top of Paddy-Go-Easy Pass

The views from the top of the pass were very pretty.  There was a little basin right near the summit with a nice small meadow but no water that I could see. There was a well-used campsite not far away from a mineshaft, located high on the rocks above.

We did not see Sprite Lake, electing to just head down to Meadow Creek. No need to do extra mileage in the rain, I always say! (But I think the lake would make a swell day.)

Along the Meadow Creek Trail.

Along the Meadow Creek Trail.

It was shorter going down the backside to Meadow Creek, probably only a mile or so. Then we had to hike uphill to the Meadow Creek trail, which is splendidly named by the way. Now, I like meadows just as much as the next person but I do have to say they are a bitch to go through on a rainy day when the trail hasn’t been brushed out for a year. You talk about wet! I could hear my boots going ‘squish’ ‘squish’ every step, and feel the water running between my toes.

– Keep reading.