I'm really very boring.

The Human

I really am the most uninteresting subject of this website.  But I guess I have to say something about myself, so here it is. 

Back in the '70's I bought a 35-mm Pentax K-1000 camera and learned to use it so I could take pictures and share the beauty of the Washington Cascades with my friends.  Now I'm sharing them with you.

I now have some really fancy cameras and take a lot of photos. They're up on my other website.  

Not much else to say, except that I did all these hikes many years ago when I was a lot younger.  I was fitter, faster and stronger then.  Now, I would like to say that I'm older and wiser, but the truth of the matter is that I'm just older.

I didn't put this web site up because I think I'm some kind of hot-shot. Quite to the contrary – I put it up so I could nostalgically revisit some of my old adventures. And because, quite frankly, some of my acquaintances don't believe I actually used to do this sort of stuff. (You know who you are .... thpppt!)

And there's another reason; if I could do these hikes and have such swell adventures, so can you!

Me and Micki

Me and Micki. She is not liking having to pose for the photo.