A lovely stroll in the Pasaytan Wilderness

1982: The Pasaytan Loop

September 12, 1982.
Saturday, 5 PM.
Holman pass. 45°, rain.

Harts Pass Camp

C&G's Van at Harts Pass campground.

C&G drove me up to Harts Pass yesterday. We arrived at the small parking area across from the ranger station at around 5 PM and set up our camp in a heavy drizzle. Afterwards, we went over to the cabin and were delighted to find that Linda the Ranger was still ‘manning’ the station and invited her over to share dinner.  She accepted and we had a wonderful steak feast, compliments of C&G.

Afterwards, we retired to the ranger cabin for coffee and dessert. As we were enjoying the warmth of the cabin and the good conversation, there came a heavy pounding at the door, soon followed by the dramatic entrance of a tired, wet hunter.

He told us somewhat breathlessly that one of his hunting partners had died of a heart attack that afternoon. We were a little bit in shock but Ranger Linda immediately sprang into action and initiated all the procedures necessary to notify the proper authorities. C&G did their part, providing the hunter with a healthy cup of brandy to calm his nerves, which he downed quickly and gratefully. Micki and I did our part, which was pretty much limited to offering soulful condolences.  After all the pertinent details were given and recorded, he went outside, mounted his horse and headed back to his camp.

We sat with Linda for a short time afterwards, then headed back to our camp at about 11 PM. I lay in my sleeping bag for some time afterwards thinking about what would happen should I have a similar medical emergency while up hiking. I could make some cute comments at this point along the lines of how Micki would surely contact the authorities in the event of such an emergency, but she was too busy snuffling in her sleep to agree. The truth of the matter is that I worry about what would happen to the little mutt if something bad were to befall me up here.

And so I slept fitfully and woke abruptly at 1:30 AM to find it raining heavily. When I awoke again at 6 AM it was snowing. I made a quick dash to the outhouse, then jumped back into the warm sleeping bag. After more pondering on fate, accidents and karma, I finally drifted off back to sleep.

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