Cayuse Coyote

So there I was, taking my break down at the Shell station off I-5 mile-marker 72 when Lee, the store clerk, asked me if I knew anyone who wanted a dog.  Seems her landlord had two border collie females who were both having litters.  Well, me being me, I answered right back and said, "Sure.  I'll take one."

Long story short, I drove down in my car over the weekend and ended up getting two sisters for me and a third puppy out of that same litter for C&G.

Cayuse had incredible markings and the most unusual eyes ... sort of golden rimmed with a pale blue. A real looker, and smart as could be.

A great pack dog, she liked to range out front a bit, but never out of sight. And she always responded to voice command, so never got into any trouble with the local wildlife.

Cayuse Coyote Little-Sox

Puppy Cayuse

This was taken when Cayuse was still a puppy, on their very first big hike to Blue Lakes and Meander Meadows.  There will be a Tale about that hike here on this site!

What a pretty little puppy was Cayuse Coyote!  And she grew up to be a beautiful loving dog.