1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 12: Escondido Ridge

A little snow on Escondido Ridge

A little snow on Escondido Ridge

The climb to Escondido Ridge was quite something! The switchbacks were long and gradual (as need be on the PCT to maintain the 10% grade guideline) but there were just so many of them! I began to think they would never end.  I also was keeping a wary eye on the black clouds beginning to come in over Leamah Mountain.

We finally made it to the top and contoured around a pretty area of little basins and streams. There was a smattering of snow, but nothing to get worried about.  Camping here however is limited, and at one point there are signs saying ‘fragile area next two miles, please camp elsewhere’. Little sprinkles of rain had reached us by this time so we were in no mood to dawdle anyhow.

Camp elsewhere!

Camp elsewhere!

We took a 10-minute rest stop on the way up and I changed my wet cotton T-shirt and put on my Lifa turtleneck. Later we took a 5-minute lunch break at the basin before starting down. My lunch consisted of a few bites of Mint Cake and several gulps of moderately warm stream water.

When we reached the intersection of the Waptus Burn and Waptus Pass trails, I chose the former because I hoped for some glorious views of the Summit Chief-Bears Breast group. This was not to be, however, as they were pretty well socked in by low-lying clouds.

Our initial view from the Waptus Burn trail over to Bears Breast Mountain.

Our initial view from the Waptus Burn trail over to Bears Breast Mountain.

Someone had abandoned quite a bit of food just shortly after the top of the Waptus Burn trail. There was oatmeal, powdered milk, macaroni noodles, rice, Top Ramen, cans of soup, a can of tomato paste, packets of sugar, and crayons!


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