The Bad Back Hike

Up the PCT again!

Day three, Monday
September 9, 1991

Spectacle Lake

C&G on trail up to Spectacle Lake

C&G (with Mica and Schmoo) on trail up to Spectacle Lake

I'm sitting on boulders in the bright afternoon sun drying myself and my laundry after taking a nice bath. I even managed to suds off my greasy hair!

Once again, I have drug C&G up the trail with me – although in this case, they finally drug me up the trail. We left Seattle on Saturday morning after our sorta–kinda traditional breakfast at our favorite greasy spoon, The Dog House. It took two hours to hike the 4-miles to Pete lake where we discovered, much to my displeasure, someone already camped at the little spot in the rocks above the lake where I stayed a few years back.

Do you ever get that proprietary feeling, you know a sense that because you slept on a particular plot of earth before you somehow have a stronger claim to it than anyone else? I guess maybe it's our own private sort of ‘George Washington slept here!’ syndrome.

The initial plan for this hike was for me to hike in to Spectacle Lake with C&G, spend a few days doing two day hikes from our basecamp, then for them to hike out and me to continue on north up the PCT to Hyas lake where we would meet a week later.

This is a section of the PCT I’ve done multiple times, but I’d planned some side-trips this time that I’d never done before.  I’ve brought my fancy new Canon camera to take photos.   Hopefully I’ll get some good ones.

– Keep reading.

Three Queens Mtn

Three Queens Mountain, near Spectacle Ridge