1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 24: Ingall's Lake

Me and Mica mugging.

Me and Mica mugging.

Thursday, Day 13
Ingalls Lake

Last night wasn't exactly a comfortable night. Cozy, but not comfortable.  I had Micki in my sleeping bag and when she stretches, those little legs of hers push out and it's amazing how much room she can take up! But, it did drop below freezing and Mica needed the Proton jacket, so what else could I do?  (Between having her own sleeping pad and the damned jacket, that dog was more comfortable than I was!)

Okay, I must admit to the truth: Micki might be a sleeping bag hog, but she is also one very fine little heater!

A hiker who just came in today told me the weather is supposed to be sunny and in the 80's tomorrow! Hot damn!

We've been soaking up the sun all day. It has been breezy, though, and the wind has a definite chill to it. I had to put my zip-up turtleneck and Gore-Tex pants on because it is too cold for just shorts and a T-shirt.

All in all, it has been a wonderful day for R&R! I rinsed out my Lifa turtleneck, my stinky cotton T-shirt, and my green shorts.  After laying them out on the rocks to dry, I wandered around the lake taking photos.  This is an incredible place.  The view from the south side of the lake across to Stuart is striking, to say the least.

In addition to the guy who gave us the weather forecast, there's another couple prowling around the lake. And there are other day hikers camped in the meadows in the basin under Ingalls Pass. (I knew it was too much to expect to have the lake to myself for two nights in a row.)

Since we have taken today for R&R, we must make Beverly Creek tomorrow!

– Keep reading.