1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 4: Snow Lake to Commonwealth Basin

Heading down from Snow Lake.  The Alpental area and I-90, in the distance.

Heading down from Snow Lake. The Alpental area and I-90, in the distance.

After making the soul-crushing descent down to the Snow Lake trailhead, we cruised into Alpental at about 5:15 PM, then had to hike a mile down the road to hook up to the Pacific Crest Trail.  Just short of the PCT parking lot, I meant Janine, who used to play for a soccer team I was on. Talk about it being a small world!  I also met Martin, a young blonde political lobbyist who sort of affixed himself to me for the trip up Commonwealth Basin.

Man, I was TIRED!  My feet hurt, my back hurt, my hips hurt, etc. After reaching the first wide spot in the trail with water, I told Martin we were going to stop there and decide whether to spend the night or not. He said, “Okay. Well, I imagine I'll see you later.”  However, whether he went up the PCT or took the Red Mountain turnoff, we did not see him again.

Climbing up out of Commonwealth Basin

Climbing up out of Commonwealth Basin

The dogs and I rested for a while, then continued about two miles up the trail before finding the only camping spot between Snoqualmie Pass and Ridge Lake.  Fortunately, it was unoccupied so I threw my pack down, relieved the doggies of their packs as well, and claimed temporary ownership of this primo spot of earth.  It’s kind of ironic how a little campsite like that one can be such a feast to your eyes when you're so tired and sore! 

Once I had the camp set up and water gathered, darkness was beginning to fall. Fatigue from the day’s effort was setting in and it really did take all my energy to boil water and eat my dinner.   And it was not such a great night's sleep. I was on a very annoying little incline and kept sliding sideways off my insulated sleeping pad.  The dogs were equally annoyed, as my bulk was pushing into their designated sleeping area.

– Keep reading.