1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 20: Meadow Creek to Jack Creek


Micki and Mica enjoying the warmth of the fire.

Micki and Mica enjoying the warmth of the fire.

I started thinking about a campfire once my Gore-Tex pants were soaked all the way up to my knees. They were cold, wet, and heavy with a disgusting mixture of mud and water. As I trudged on buoyed by the promise of a fire, I made an effort to be positive. I remember thinking, ‘Well at least now I don't have to worry about getting across Jack Creek – my boots and socks are already so wet that I can wade across without noticing a bit of difference.’ Yep. That's all the positive I could muster.

Now my boots and socks are nice and dry. The blue wool socks do unfortunately have a new feature – rather extensive air-conditioning on the shins, as they burned right through while I was inattentive and preoccupied with other things.  Like writing in this journal. But they’ll still be functional for inner socks. I'll be able to wear my same yellow and blue combination tomorrow. (I'm trying to save my remaining orange wool socks and the last clean cotton socks for my meet-up with C&G on Saturday.)

I had a swell dinner of Mountain House Beef Stroganoff, lemon pudding, coffee, and raspberry Kool-Aid. It was a veritable gourmet feast! After dinner, it was time to floss and brush the teeth, then wash the ever-so-grimy hands and face. I feel almost civilized. The mosquitoes seem to like me better now, too.

– Keep reading.