1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 14: Waptus Lake

The route from Spectacle Lake to Stuart Pass.

The route from Spectacle Lake to Stuart Pass.

Since I'm not going to waste time washing my hair, I can indulge in one of my favorite pastimes ... map reading. Gracious me! We can save 10 miles by going over Stuart Pass!  And not have to worry about getting lost, either.

So here's the remaining agenda, folks:

  • Sunday – Deep Lake, 6.2 miles
  • Monday  – Fish Lake, 7.3 miles
  • Tuesday  – Jack Creek, 10 miles
  • Thursday  – Esmeralda campground, 3.4 miles
  • Friday  – Beverly Creek, 6.5 miles
  • Saturday  – Meet Point, 6 miles

We're over half-way done and there's only 46.9 miles left to go on this trip.  Piece of cake!

– Keep reading.