1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 29: Out to Stafford Creek

Finally!  I made the meet-point.

Finally! I made the meet-point.

I NEVER run late for pickup.  It’s a matter of pride to be on-time or, preferably, early.  But I was about to break my streak … and I was not a happy camper.  (Or should I say, ‘happy hiker?’)  I began doing spiraling circles, trying to find the trail.  After a bit, I started verbally expounding upon my situation.  Loudly and somewhat profanely.  Imagine my surprise when a young couple suddenly appeared and the woman asked me rather sharply if I was having some sort of problem.

“Well, yes—as a matter of fact I am,” I snapped.  “I’ve been up here for two weeks and I’m meeting my pickup party tonight, if I can only find the damned trail.”  They weren’t exactly sympathetic to my plight, but told me the route went over the ridge pretty much under Earl Peak.

Fine and dandy!  I stomped away and eventually found a rock cairn, then another, and another.  That constitutes a trail in these parts, I guess. 

So, long story short (too late!) — I finally struggled up the last ridge before the Cascade Creek/Stafford Creek divide.  I was supposed to meet C&G at the headwaters of Stafford Creek and I was only, what — three hours late?

Right before cresting the ridge, I heard a gunshot and knew C&G had to be on the other side.  However, once I got over the top and started down, I saw no one.  I started calling out their names.  No response.  Then I tried a different tact; I shouted out their dogs’ names.  THAT worked like a charm, as C. immediately answered.

They’d been worried about me (because I’m never late!) and were relieved to have found me at last.  I was tired from a frustrating day of ineffectual route-finding and equally happy to have found them.

Sunset over the Stuart Range

Sunset over the Stuart Range

I pitched my tent next to their Omni and we had a wonderful dinner, followed by a brief scramble back up the ridge crest so C. and I could snap sunset photos.  The combination of clouds and lighting upon the Stuart Range was very dramatic.

Sunset over the Stuart Range

Sunset over the Stuart Range

It was nice to camp with friends again, after being out on the trail by ourselves for so many nights.  Mica and Micki were glad to see their doggie friends, too.  In the morning we had a hot breakfast before we packed up and headed down Stafford Creek to the parking lot.

– End adventure!