1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 18: Down to the Cle Elum River

I didn't really eat any breakfast or lunch, so as soon as I had camp set up I had a big cup of cheese-noodle soup. Then I did a little housekeeping and aired out my sleeping bag. Believe me — it needed it! What with me and Micki both spending nights in that sucker, it stunk like the devil!

Tomorrow marks the turning point of this trip. I feel as though we're on the home-stretch now. While it certainly isn't all downhill (literally) from here, that's how it feels mentally.

This really has been quite a hike. I'm sorry that we're going to abandon the west part of the County Line trail, but other than that (and foregoing the Tuck and Robin sidetrip) we've pretty much kept to our proposed route. This might be a trip that not everyone would want to do, but the cool thing is that most people could do it! That's why I share my little trip accounts: if I can do it, YOU can do it!

OK ... enough with the soapbox. The sun is about to drop behind Cathedral Rock soon. It will be time to hit the sack and dream about our next big day. 

– Keep reading.