1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 11: Leaving Spectacle Lake

Instead of backtracking to the crest trail I decided to take the old trail down alongside the outlet stream and intersect the PCT. Little did I know that this trail has been abandoned and is now designated as an ‘unmaintained primitive’ trail. 

The first bit of trouble came when Mica couldn't figure out how to follow Micki and me over the log that crossed the outlet stream. First she fell into the water, total submersion, then she wouldn't go anywhere near the log.  After considerable swearing and threatening (neither of which worked) I took my pack off and carried her over. 

Then, as we were beating our way down through the wet bushes and getting completely soaked in the process, Micki pulled her I’'m going to wait and see which way you go, and then see if I can find a shortcut’ act. Of course, she got herself completely tangled in a clump of vine maple and I had to wade ankle-deep into mud and standing water to extract her. I was thoroughly pissed with both dogs, to say the least.  And I suppose they weren’t particularly happy with me.

We finally found the intersection with the PCT and went on our ‘merry’ way.

We met three women on our way down, not the same ones we met earlier but different, younger ladies. They were on their way up so I just said ‘hello’ in passing and we kept truckin’.  Once we hit the intersection with the Pete Lake trail, we met no one else.

– Keep reading.