1984 Cross Casades Hike

Page 3: Leaving Melakwa Lake

Iceberg Lake

Iceberg Lake.

Tuesday, September 4, 1984
Day Four, Park Lakes

Yes, I know I've missed a day writing in this journal, but I'll tell you what …  when we finally made camp last night I had to force myself to boil water for dinner then force myself to eat it!  I was dog-ass tired.  (Apologies to the pups.)

C&G and I parted company around 10:30 AM Monday. The dogs and I made fairly good time up to Melakwa Pass and then down to Iceberg Lake. That snowfield was tough with a full pack!  All the sudden, I wasn’t snickering at Chris’ butt-slide anymore.  I didn’t do any fanny-surfing, but I did a lot of dainty stepping on the way down that sucker.

Mica guarding my pack at Iceberg Lake.

Mica guarding my pack at Iceberg Lake.

Once past Iceberg Lake, we met an old geezer with full pack going the other way. I chatted with him briefly, but when he started trying to tell me where the trail was and exactly which way I should go, I told him very kindly that I knew the route and left.  I don’t know why all these men I meet on the trail automatically assume that I don’t know where I’m going!  I’ve probably done more hiking than most of them.  Just sayin’ …

The dogs and I had lunch at the first outlet stream at Gem Lake. It was very hot and I was beginning to sunburn quite badly on my nose, so between nibbles of M&Ms  I put on some glacier cream.   The dogs weren’t interested in my greasy nose, but they were kind of eyeing the M&Ms.  (Bad dogs!  Chocolate BAD for dogs.  Chocolate GOOD for mommy-person!)

Looking across Snow Lake to the traverse from Iceberg to Gem Lake.

Looking across Snow Lake to the traverse from Iceberg to Gem Lake.

There appeared to be no one at Gem Lake, but there were tons of people at Snow Lake – mostly day hikers. I stopped near the outlet stream and took photos across the lake up to the cross-country route we’d just taken.  I have to say, I was modestly impressed!

– Keep reading.