The Bad Back Hike

Waptus Lake layover, page 18

Reeds near peninsula camp

Reeds near peninsula camp

It's been a joy to watch the ducks as they bob around my little peninsula. They're so cute, the way they wiggle their little tails and turn bottoms up before diving down for a snack. But the owls are the best of all. There are at least two of them nearby. Last night I lay in my sleeping bag listening to them, discerning at least two different ‘hoot’ patterns. I'll bet the local mice were looking up into the sky as they scurried about their business!

It is now 5:10 PM and a few light bands of clouds are creeping in from the southwest. I'll stay here at least one more day to rest and recuperate. I've abandoned all my side-trips to the various other lakes I’d originally planned to visit – Summit Chief, Shovel, Spade and Venus – so I have plenty of time. Depending on how my leg heals up, I might skip Vicente, too.

I figure it will most likely take me two days to reach Deep Lake, then one more day to hike out. The big question is, how much time will I need at Deep Lake to recuperate from the climb up Spinola Creek? Going uphill definitely seems to aggravate that sciatic nerve a lot more than going downhill.

Also included in my new super-duper first-aid kit is a small booklet on ‘the basics.’ After thumbing through it, I think I might have herniated a disc in my back. It's the only thing that the symptoms all match up with. Could be worse, though – I don't feel bad at all right now. Maybe it's just a major inflammation of the sciatica. In any event, unless something else happens, there seems to be no need to shorten this hike.

Counting tomorrow, I have 5 1/2 days left. Well, actually 4 1/2 hiking days, as I've already decided to stay here another day. Let's see … two days to Deep Lake, followed by a two-day layover, and then one-half day to hike out. Yeah … it could work.

– Keep reading.