The Bad Back Hike

Waptus Lake layover, page 19


Mica posing

Mica posing

6:10 PM – I've had my dinner (Turkey Tetrazzini) and am currently puffing away on a Sherman. I know a lot of you will be shocked that I have cigarettes, but don’t be so judgmental!  I don't inhale the smoke (me and Bill Clinton) but I’ve got to tell you that the simple act of puffing is not only comforting, but practical – even the flies don’t like the smoke.

I've been watching as dusk settles in on Waptus lake, observing the rich colors of sunset changing into the somber blues and grays of twilight. Mica posed beautifully in silhouette at the edge of the lake. She is truly a photogenic dog.

There is a female Mallard duck out feeding in the reeds, stubbornly refusing to be panicked by a curious dog or an obtrusive human. The male took flight earlier as Mica and I walked down to see what all the quacking was about. The little mama Mallard wasn't about to be scared off, and let us know it. She sure is a good little diver.

– Keep reading.