The Bad Back Hike

Cayuse Campground, page 31


C&G’s brown van puttered up the road right on time.  Steve had faithfully made the phone call as promised and both C&G were peering out the van windows, looking for us. We weren’t too hard to spot, as Mica more or less pulled the picnic table she was tied to halfway out to the road when she spotted the familiar vehicle.

Bless their souls – they had beer and chips waiting for me!

Not long after we reached town, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for food and margaritas. I learned my lesson from last year – margaritas first, hospital second.

In fact, I didn't go get my little problem checked out until the following afternoon, when I finally popped over to the Ballard emergency room. The same doctor who treated my ankle last year was there, but thank goodness he didn't recognize me. In any event, I was on my best behavior so he wouldn’t have a reason to lecture me again.

He immediately diagnosed a disc herniation and prescribed immediate bed rest. I thought that was pretty funny, given that I'd hiked out 20-pluss miles with a 45-pound pack after the event. But he stood firm.

On Thursday, November 15, I had back surgery to remove the nickel-sized piece of disc that had broken off and lodged itself in my spinal canal. It had been depressing the nerve and causing the lack of muscle control and feeling. They sent me home on Saturday morning and I had the staples removed the following Tuesday afternoon. The doctor noted that I was a quick healer and stated he expected me to get most of my strength and mobility back, but thought some of the numbness would remain.

As I sit here typing this trip into the computer, I have to say his diagnosis was right on. The outside of my foot is still numb and I occasionally get muscle spasms in my right calf. But, all in all, life is good – I can still go hiking in my beloved Cascades, albeit a little slower than I used to.

– End adventure!