The Bad Back Hike

Revisiting Beautiful Spectacle Lake, page 7

Sunday, Day nine. 3:55 PM
September 15, 1991

Ai-yi-yi!  Where to begin the catching up with this little journal?

C&G and I spent our last night together at a small campsite just north of the Leamah Creek Bridge.  I made the trip down from Spectacle Lake in pretty good shape and had cause to hope the rest of the hike was going to turn out pretty well.

Parting ways at Leamah Creek

Parting ways at Leamah Creek

We said our goodbyes a little way up the trail, where the Leamah Meadows trail left the PCT to wind its way back to Pete Lake. I found myself actually getting a little teary as I turned up trail and headed for the high country.

Avalanche debris

Avalanche debris below Chimney Rock

There is a tremendous avalanche swath cutting through the trees where the trail starts to climb out of the lower Chimney Rock- Summit Chief Valley. The trail picks its way through the rock and tree trunk debris, which is strewn everywhere: another solemn reminder of the absolute power and force of nature.

Avalanche debris

Edge of avalanche debris

I clambered stiffly up a large shattered tree trunk to take pictures and stare across the valley to ponder how difficult it would be to get up into that enticing basin below Chimney Rock. The last time I was here, it was snowing lightly and I heard coyotes singing up in the high country..

– Keep reading.