The Bad Back Hike

Revisiting Beautiful Spectacle Lake, page 3

Spectacle Lake

Spectacle Lake

Last night passed a great deal more comfortably than that night, however, and I dozed and dreamt the night away in perfect contentment.  After a leisurely breakfast, we three humans and our two canines picked our way around the lake to the inlet stream and the trail up to glacier late. I told C&G how I missed the trail last time and clawed my way up the waterfall. I could tell they were singularly unimpressed, but I guess you just had to have been there. G. thought the rough trail around Spectacle Lake was bad, but I think she is glad she came.

Up above the waterfall

Up above the waterfall

Once you round the corner above the waterfall where the terrain flattens out, you decide it was well worth the effort. The stream proceeds to flow through a small, narrow valley surrounded by tiny meadows until it climbs over another small shelf into the basin where Glacier Lake lies. There's good camping at the outlet stream for anyone with enough energy to try to drag a pack up this far.

C&G on way up to Glacier Lake

C&G on way up to Glacier Lake

We stopped to eat lunch, take pictures and rest. C&G stayed at the lakeshore while I investigated a trail leading up a northern ridge. From the top it continued northwards down into the trees below. There was a large basin below and what appeared to be the continuation of the trail. I suppose this was the route to Chickamin Lake.

– Keep reading.