The Bad Back Hike

Revisiting Beautiful Spectacle Lake, page 4

Glacier Lake, from north ridge trail

Glacier Lake, from north ridge trail

I rejoined CNG who had put on light jackets and hats. The wind had picked up and there was the beginning of the chill in the air. I tried to convince them that we should follow the trail I just seen – maybe we would be able to find a spur trail off from it leading back down to Spectacle. They vetoed my great idea, G. opining that the way we had struggled up was bad enough.

No sense of adventure!" I grumbled to myself as we headed back down the way we had come.

Down at the lake, I did convince them to follow a faint trail continuing around the north shore of the lake but it petered out fairly quickly.

Glacier Lake

Glacier Lake

After beating brush for a while even I had to admit it would be better to give up. So I docilely followed them back to the fisherman’s trail around the south end of the lake.

We seem to have several neighbors tonight but everyone is pretty well spaced out, leaving us with a false sense of privacy.

– Keep reading.