Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 19

Here is what I'm thinking of doing – taking another two days to hike out and abandon Boulder pass for another trip. I can drive into Leavenworth and buy dog food, cheese, crackers and beer. Then we can go up to visit Micki at Esmeralda Basin. That's where I sprinkled her ashes. It would be a way to introduce her to the puppies. Sounds like a plan to me!

We moved back into the tent – and at 7:20 PM three people on four horses just went by. The man in the lead said, I sure wish we were in that tent you're in!" I answered back, ”It's pretty cozy." Fortunately, all three dogs were in the tent with me.

Now, I'm indulging in creating a grocery list for when we hit town – hmmm, think I'll add another book to read to that list!

Gee, I can see my breath farther than usual – and I just brushed and flossed, so I know it's not me. Time to check the thermometer… 45°. Just three days ago, it was 80°. Like I've always said, the mountains make their own weather.

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

Blue Lakes/Meander Meadow Menu

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