Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 17

Fall foliage on the way out.

Fall foliage by Dishpan Gap on the way out.

Saturday, September 10, 1994.
Day 7. 6:20 PM. Indian Creek

As you can see, we opted for Plan B.

It rained on and off all night. When Cayuse stood on my face to awaken me at 7 AM there was a low-lying bank of pregnant-looking gray clouds hovering over everything. But the tent was pretty dry.

It was time to move on, so I pulled everything out and folded up camp.

It took one hour and 45 minutes to reach Dishpan Gap, walking in intermittent rain and constant clouds. I was drenched from the waist down by the time I hit the PCT. I elected to wear my black wind pants and I hoped they would dry out from body heat once I got on the wider, less densely brushed main trail. That old adage ‘if wishes were horses’ comes to mind …

By noon, three hours after starting, we were back to Indian Pass. I bypassed the first campsite on the way down, figuring we might be able to make it all the way to the same spot we stayed at the second night, or at least a respectable looking spot perched right above the switchbacks leading down into the first brush meadows.

My pants were totally wet from the knees on down and water was squishing between my toes at every step. I felt warm enough but I knew I'd stiffen up good if I stopped for even a short rest.

Miserable enough already, I was not looking forward to being wet from the waist down again – a given if we pushed onto the further campsite in the grassy meadows.

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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