Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 11

September 8, 1994, Thursday
Day 5. Little Blue Lake. 7:30 PM

Near Dishpan Gap.

Near Dishpan Gap.

We were off in hiking at 9 AM – – early for us!

At the top of the trail leading up to the saddle (which I kept calling dishpan gap yesterday -- it's not) we met an elderly man who spoke no English, just German.

Well, being the sociable type ( at least this morning), I proceeded to have a brief non-understood conversation with them, which we both seem to enjoy. A few meters away (I'm feeling Continental now! ), we met a slightly younger man who spoke good English, even though he steadily apologized for having how poorly he spoke.

A little further down the trail, we met a young couple. I asked the young woman if they, too, were part of the German entourage." Well, Austrian actually, “ she said. Well, excuse the hell out of me. Anyhow, she did most of the talking in darn near accent-free English while the young man listened.

She wanted to know how long it would take them to exit via the Little Wenatchee River trail; I said I had no idea, but it would take them one half hour to get down to the Meadows.

It was clouding up, a uniform blanket of lower gray stuff was starting to move in.

– Continue reading.

Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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