Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 8

Wednesday, September 7, 1994. Day 4. 4:45 PM. Meander Meadows

Cayuse lounging in the sun at Meander Meadow.

Cayuse lounging in the sun at Meander Meadow.

The high clouds blew by quickly last night. When the pups and I went out at 12:30 AM for a pee-break, the entire Milky Way was visible overhead. At least, that’s how it seemed.

I did boil up the Pasta Primavara last night and ended up giving half of it to the dogs. I knew at the time that I was setting a dangerous precedent, but I did it anyhow. Now they’ll expect it all the time.

We had visitors this afternoon, two couples who came up with the Lower Wenatchee trail. They hesitated when they heard Mica bark and stopped at the other major campsite across the street to eat their lunch. I pondered matters for awhile, then put the puppies on their leashes and walked over to the edge of the stream and hollered over, “Would you mind very much if I introduced my dogs to you?”

There was a brief moment of debate over in the other camp, then the answer finally came back. “No.”

When we entered their luncheon site I said, “I suppose you think that was a pretty odd request I made, but this is the puppies first big hike and we haven’t seen that many people. I want them to get used to other hikers as something not be afraid of and bark at.” (Unless they’re coming into my camp uninvited, I added silently to myself.)

The pups got the expected ‘oohs’ and ‘they’re so CUTE’ treatment they’ve come to expect, then we headed back ‘home.’

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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