Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 20

Sunday, September 11, 1994
Day 8. First Night Camp. 3 PM.

The pups got a double breakfast this morning in the sunshine. I lollygagged around and finished reading my book. Got out of the tent around 9:30 AM and we were gone by 11:05. Two hours and 40 minutes later we were here – a fairly uneventful trip. Morning sunshine, coupled with the passage of the three horses last night, had gotten most of the rain off the high brush, so we didn't get nearly as wet as I initially expected.

Mica Eiger on Indian Creek 'trail'

Mica Eiger on Indian Creek 'trail.'

Well ... there was the one time when I slipped off a slimy log and stepped ankle deep into a stream. But who expected that?

The dogs are all sacked out – Mica is lying in the tent door and Piper and Cayuse are slumbering at my feet. The small streamlet that ran down the periphery of this camp is dried up, so we had to walk back up the trail to fill the water bag. We went down to Indian Creek first; we're next to a couple of 4-foot deep pools but the shore is really brushy, so we opted for the shallow stream. Piper immediately waded in and stirred up the water where I wanted to fill my water sack. I shouted at her in disgust, she looked at me in complete innocence. It was a stalemate. I had my camp slippers on bare feet, so gave up and walked up the stream to undisturbed water.

The 3-person-4-horse party we saw last night came out just a little while ago. There was a brief moment of confusion, as Mica heard them coming and promptly barked so the whole valley would know there were intruders. A thicket of scrubby alder shields this campsite from the trail eastbound so they couldn't see us. They started shouting, “Where are you? We’ve got two dogs here!”

I finally collared Piper and Cayuse retreated as soon as she saw the horses. Mica had to act macho though and strode forth with hackles raised until I ordered her back. The passing party went on without further incident, but Mica got a whack for disobeying me. Such a headstrong dog sometimes! I lectured her about setting a bad example for the puppies. She looked up at me, not comprehending anything but the tone.

We met another couple on horseback about a mile up the trail. They asked where the trail to Airplane Lake was. I told him they'd missed it.

“We didn't even see it," the man said.

“It's no wonder," I said. It's been pretty much abandoned for years. I guess you really have to hunt around to find it." Then I told them they couldn’t lose with either Red Pass or Meander Meadows. They went happily on their way.

It's a gorgeous afternoon: 70-degrees in the sun, considerably cooler in the shade. The wind is stirring the top of the trees around us and the creek adds a harmonizing voice in the background. Time for a little siesta before dinner.

– Continue reading.

Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

Blue Lakes/Meander Meadow Menu

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