Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 18

Indian Creek Camp.

Indian Creek Camp.

So, when we got to the terrace camp (just off the trail and perched above the steep valley) we decided to stay. After taking off everybody's packs, I grabbed the water sack and headed back up the trail to the stream. Then I came back and set up the tent in a very light sprinkle. When that was done, I indulged in the luxury of putting on a dry sweater, anorak, heavy dry wool socks and my camp slippers. Absolute bliss.

The dog got their treats and I boiled up water for 2 cups of instant soup. Once I stopped moving around, I realize how cold it was, how cold I was.

We all retreated into the refuge of the tent and my sleeping bag. The puppies have already learned the value of not only cuddling up against me when I'm in the bag, but of trying to usurp it before I even get there. Clever puppies.

It's been a crazy afternoon – it rained, the sun shone briefly, it rained. Right now, the sky is mostly clear with patchy clouds, and it is cold!

None of us had any breakfast so at about 5 PM, I crawled back out of the tent, fed the dogs and boiled water for lasagna.

After Piper nosed the pot lid off while the lasagna was soaking in the hot water, I came to the conclusion that I'm going to have to shorten this hike up. They're just too hungry for short rations. They’re used to three meals a day at home.

Sighing, I opened up a second pouch of puppy chow and they all settled, contented, into the course number two.

– Continue reading.

Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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