Up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Again!

Blue Lakes and Meander Meadow, page 12

Entering the Blue Lakes basin.

Entering the Blue Lakes basin.

Just around the corner, I spied two horses being loaded up just around a second corner. I grab both puppies and put them on their leashes. As soon as we got alongside the two women loading up the decidedly unhappy horses, a blonde dog started barking menacingly in our direction. One of the women called him (?) back harshly and held on to the scruff of his neck as we approached.

I said hello to the other woman, who stood out front holding the reins to both stamping horses. I noted after a hearty ‘good morning!’ that this was the first time the puppies had ever seen horses.

She nodded and asked where we were off to. “Oh, up there and then back here," I said jauntily.

She then said, matter-of-factly, “Well, it's probably time you went on." Again … excuse the hell out of me. Sheez! I’m usually I'm the unsociable one!

Right at Dishpan Gap we met three young men day-hiking to Blue Lakes from their camp at Lake Sally Ann. They looked very fit. The puppies proceeded to follow them to the first switchback, whereupon they returned to the Puppy Chow lady. (I have no illusions as to my status, folks.)

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Mica and the pups at Blue Lakes

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