The Bad Back Hike

Cayuse Campground, page 30

Some pretty impressive clouds are rolling in over the West Ridge. The wind's been blowing all day and the temperature has dropped noticeably. Could precipitate, all right.

7 PM. This really is quite remarkable. It would seem that each of the three kids have their own tent. The plastic A-frame must be the mess tent. The girl is now helping the young boy put his tent up, while the older boy stoically erects his own. This is better than TV!


Day 15, 10:20 AM
Saturday, September 21, 1991

There are an additional three tents over at our little tent city now, one perched right under the plastic tarp. I do believe the Scouts have landed.

Plus, there are tons of little kids running around.  Well, a half-dozen of the little snots, which is six too many.

I cannot believe people come up to this campground to ‘get away from it all.’ What are they getting away from that they haven't drug up here with them? I'm going to have to go back to the city to get away from all of this!

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