The Bad Back Hike

Cayuse Campground, page 28

Tomorrow at this time, 1:15 PM, Mica Eiger and I will be sitting in front of the ranger station, waiting for our ride home. It'll be good to see my kitties and old Micki again. I hope everybody's okay… Micki is getting up in years, you know.

The telephone and fax machine will be waiting for me, too. As will next Wednesday’s endodontist appointment. Nothing like the joy of civilization.

Also, since my toe and foot are still numb, it might be a good idea stop by Chec Medical Clinic before I go into work Sunday night ... just in case.

3:40 PM. It is considerably cooler now than it has been. We are under the trees and out of the sun and the wind is building in strength. I've had to put on my fleece vest for the first time in several days. Earlier this afternoon, Mica and I went over by the river and sat on one of the benches placed above its shore. We were in sunshine and it sure felt good, but it was still a touch bit chilly when the wind blew.

We have neighbors for the first time in several days. Two guys drove in with their fancy Toyota pickup and spent considerable time running the vehicle back and forth over the campsite to smooth their tent site. It was quite a production and, as Mica and I had nothing better to do, we watch unashamedly with great interest.

One other family of car campers have situated themselves on the other side of this small campground. (There are only 16 sites here.)

I ate my final Turkey Tetrazzini dinner for brunch at 11:30 AM. I just couldn't hold out any longer! Now I'm hungry again. Time soon for some of my world-famous ‘Instant Soup/Rice/Potato-Bud/Gruel’. I’ll definitely want something warm before I hit the tent for the night.

The wind really shoots down this valley with an unabashed exuberance. I may yet have to put my wool socks and boots back on!

– Keep reading.

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