The Bad Back Hike

Cayuse Campground, page 26

I moved myself over to Cayuse Campground a little while ago and found a nice spot at the north end of the campground. Two women rangers came in to clean up the campground about an hour ago and I introduced myself to them and related my situation. I don’t think I made much of an impression on them, but I wanted to make contact with them just in case I do miss C. tomorrow.

The best news was that we get to stay here tonight for free – they said they had just taken down the fee box! That makes two free nights in pay-for-stay campgrounds. Such a deal!

It is now half-past noon and I just finished washing my hair – a luxurious double sudsing, no less! Nothing like being neat and tidy when the weekenders roll in, I always say. Got to look good for the neighbors.

Mica has been on a leash since we got here; she is not a happy camper, but she's adapting to the situation.

Chain binders (what we truck drivers call logging truck drivers) have been blitzing by all day. They seem to be clearcutting on both sides of this valley. It's a bloody shame.

SPOILER ALERT: Soapbox speech coming up on the next page!

– Keep reading.

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