The Bad Back Hike

Waptus Lake layover, page 21

Summit Chief from Waptus Lake

Summit Chief from Waptus Lake

I think I'll go the river route. I've been on that trail three times before, but always early in the season when it was buried deep in snow. It should be an easy hike out. (Famous last words – ‘knock on wood!’)

This really is a lovely spot in sunny weather. All in all, I have truly enjoyed the time spent here on my little peninsula. Once again, for the umpteenth time, I have felt comforted by the wilderness. People need to wake up and realize how precious these few remaining patches of wilderness oasis are before it's too late! We have to preserve this so future generations will be able to glory in the sights scents as we have.  Money can't buy the feeling of oneness with nature.

Waptus Lake peninsula camp

Waptus Lake peninsula camp

Your children's children will probably never be able to know true wilderness. Anyone reading this trip account 30-years from now will never know this section of the Cascades as I see it today.

We need to realize the damage being done in the name of progress--i.e. making a quick buck for corporate interests and individual exploiters. The earth is our Mother and we must not stand by indifferently while she is ravished and bludgeoned.

– Keep reading.