The Bad Back Hike

Revisiting Beautiful Spectacle Lake, page 6

Spectacle Point, by the way, is on the divide between Park Lakes and Spectacle Lake. Three Queens rises abruptly on the east, the lake basin is below your feet, and the Leamah-Chickamin-Overcoat peak group stands aggressively to the northwest. 

The rocks around this grand lake reveal its complex geological history. Some of them are scraped smooth from the glacial movement eons ago. Others are still rough and heavily textured, exhibiting their volcanic origins. Looking at three Queens, one can see how the sedimentary strata was uplifted in an almost perpendicular fashion to create vertical strata lines. It is a very dramatic statement on the power of Mother Earth.

Spectacle Lake

Spectacle Lake

The east end of the lake is very… civilized.  It is crisscrossed with trails, campsites and toilet areas. Toilet paper is to be found under just about every movable rock. Fortunately, the west and north sides of the lake are still pretty wild. As far as I can see, there is only the rough trail leading around the south shoreline to the few camps near the inlet stream. The only access to the rest of the lake is via bushwhacking along precipitous, brushy slopes that arise directly out of the lake.

It is now 10:35 AM and time to pack up and move on. I'm going to spend the last night with C and G down at one of the crossings of Leamah Creek. Tomorrow they will go back to the city and I will journey on to Waptus Lake. It will be a drag to be down in the forest after three days up here!

– Keep reading.