1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Lakes, page 1

Miserable Micki waiting to get into tent.

Miserable Micki waiting to get into tent.

If I see anybody else up here during the week who is from Seattle, I will ask them to call also. It would be very embarrassing to have C&G waiting for me at Spectacle Lake while I’m cooling my heels here at Rachel Lake.

Anyhow, those two guys were headed back to their camp at Rampart Lakes, so I just followed them up and then found a real nice camping spot about 1/3 mile south of them.

It’s  a snow-free site next to a stream that connects two little lakes. It's quite a lovely spot. At least, it would be, if the clouds would go away and let the sun shine through. There’s been a sold mass of heavy clouds rolling in over Rampart Ridge these last two days.

Micki near Rampart Ridge camp

Micki near Rampart Ridge camp

The wind itself has been very brisk and quite chilly. All three of us – that being me, Micki and Mica – are currently in the tent resting. It was quite a climb to get up here and my legs and back will definitely be sore tomorrow. They're not particularly feeling too splendid right now.

Micki is pooped, too. Even Mica was tired and napped while I set up camp. The sun came out for a few moments and she found a rock that she decided made a swell pillow.  Of the two dogs, Micki is definitely the one with the brains.

Mica with her rock pillow.

Mica with her rock pillow.

For dinner, I heated up water and shared some really bad chili with the dogs. Yes … they had their damned dog food, too.

All I can say is that I'm expecting the tent is gonna stink tonight!

– Continue reading.