1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Ridge

And the fog is setting in.

And the fog is setting in.

Wednesday, June 29, 10:37 AM
Day Four
Rampart Lakes

I didn't get up until my bladder made me. Someone, I won't say who, (but they have four legs and bark) had re-distributed the items from my garbage sack all over the camp and nearby snow. They both got the old ‘bad dog!’ treatment. Like that ever does any good.

Right now it is fairly chilly, probably in the mid-40’s, with intermittent drizzle. I see little if any reason to go outside the tent today.  Peeing being the main exception, of course

A fairly heavy fog has settled over the area. There is a cold stillness, a muffling of sounds and a reduction of vision.  Visibility is about 100-feet and I cannot see the summit rocks of Rampart Ridge, let alone any mountains in the distance.

It rained off and on all night. We are sheltered here by a wonderful small stand of trees, which frame – along with the brooklet – our camp. On the other side of the trees is a fire ring and a relatively large lake.

Our camp, fogged in.

Our camp, fogged in.

There are two large Rampart Lakes, this being the upper. Across this lake, currently hidden by the fog, is the towering rock crest of Rampart Ridge itself, extending perhaps another 600 to 700 feet in elevation.

When you sit outside by the tent and look in an easterly direction you see a small snow bridge crossing the brook. It is capable of holding my weight (I know through testing). There is a surrounding field of snow and a couple of small rocky knobs.  That is currently the range of vision, due to the fog.

The snow bridge, when we first came in.  Hi Box in the distance.

The snow bridge, when we first came in. Hi Box in the distance.

Behind those knobs is the great void in which Rachel Lake sits, some 400’ below us.  Alta Mtn. rears up to the north, dominating the skyline with its 6240’ bulk.   Hi Box Mtn. sits to the east at a slightly lower 6032’ and serves as a picturesque backdrop to Rachel Lake, which is well on the way to thawing out. Everything else wears a seasonal shroud of snow. 

On a clear day, you would see all of this, as well as tantalizing glimpses of the mountains beyond. From Rampart Ridge, waves of peak seem to go on forever in all directions.  This is a wonderful place… In fact it borders upon sublime.

– Continue reading.