1983: Rampart Ridge

Rampart Lakes, page 2

Rampart Lake, early thaw

Rampart Lake, early thaw.

In keeping with my now established tradition of always forgetting something on a hike, the item that never made it into the pack this trip was… my spoon. Once again, I am going to have to eat with a tent stake. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last. But it is still damned annoying.

I also forgot the 28mm lens for my Ricoh 35mm camera. Oh well… I've been saying all along that I need more practice in using the normal lens. Besides I hauled up my Pentax 6x7, which does have a wide-angle lens. It has yet to come out of my pack, but will starting tomorrow.

Rampart Lake, early thaw

Rampart Lake, early thaw.

It is now 8:35 PM, still light outside and getting colder. Mica jumped into one of the little pools by the tent an hour or so ago and has yet to dry out. I won't let her into the tent until she does.  As mean as that seems, the last thing we need is for her to get everything wet. She has her sleeping bag and foam pad outside the door, under the vestibule, so she’ll be fine.  Did I mention that she also has a very fine (albeit still damp) fur coat?

Micki, the intelligent, well-behaved and DRY dog, is happily curled up in her sleeping bag next to me and I'm about to crawl into mine.

– Continue reading.