1983: Rampart Ridge

Despair to Joy: All's Well That Ends Well

Rachel Lake

Hi Box Mountain from Rachel Lake

July 2, 1983, Day Seven
Saturday 3:25 PM
Rachel Lake

Well, what can I say? I blew it. Several parties have come in today, but not my rescue party. My message about the change in meet-point must not have made it out. I'm boiling water and will have some hot cider while I consider my circumstances. Piss! I may as well have the remaining pouch of corn and just call it dinner.

And how IS Spectacle Lake (the stipulated meet-point) this weekend, I wonder. Is my pick-up party there, huddled up in their tents? I repeat – piss!

I guess I'll go look around the area where the trail enters the lake basin one last time before I turn in for the night. I know C&G would not come up and leave if they didn't find me.  They would just figure I was late and set up camp to wait.

On a more positive note, the storm broke late last night and we are now blessed with intermittent clear skies. Everything is still totally soaked, however.

Someone else's camp at Rachel Lake

Someone else's camp at Rachel Lake

5:40 PM – They are here! Woo-hoo!  They got here about an hour ago. Steak and Guinness tonight!

9:05 PM – We couldn’t get a fire started, so we fried the steaks and boiled the potatoes using our stoves. It all tasted heavenly!  Plus, we had Guinness and margaritas, too!

C&G got my message from both parties I entrusted it to, so thanks very much to those unnamed folks!

I am snug, dry, and warm in my tent with a full tummy. The dogs are also happy because they had all sorts of yummy treats.  Tomorrow afternoon we will all hike out and then make the drive back to town, ending another fine Cascade Connie adventure!

– End hike account.