High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 27)

Back to Buck Creek Pass.  High Pass trail in the distance.
Back to Buck Creek Pass. High Pass trail in the distance.

It didn't seem to take long at all before I was stepping down the final switchbacks of Liberty Cap to the Buck Pass camping area. No one seemed to be around and I decided to keep walking as long as I could. I figured I was going to be a whole lot sorer the next day, so I might as well make as many miles as I could now.

Just at the intersection with the Buck Creek Trail, I met a party of four women and asked them hopefully if they were headed out, thinking maybe I might be able to hitch a ride. But no, they had just come in. They were more interested in hearing about the route over towards Triad Lake than about my little medical emergency. I felt stupid talking about my injury after seeing the expressions on their faces, so I told them how to get up to the high saddle. They gave me some information about campsites down the trail.

After parting company with them, I reflected on the difference between them and my Eagle Scouts. Oh, well ... what's a girl to do besides get on with it? Shortly after passing a dismal, unappealing site a few miles later, I met up with two men on horseback. They were scouting for the upcoming High Hunt and were totally (and I mean TOTALLY) disinterested when I told them I was trying to get out for medical treatment. One guy actually said, "Well, you're walking so it can't be that bad."

Expletive deleted.

I guess when I'd seen them approaching I had pictured in my mind a scenario where they would say, "Hey, we can pack you and your gear out because we've got horses! No problem, little lady!" Yeah ... right. They made it very clear they weren't going to interrupt their plans. I politely said that it had been worth asking, then ineffectively 'stomped' down the trail muttering under my breath. 'What goes around, comes around,' I thought to myself. 'Those guys are going to find themselves in a situation one of these days and they'll get their just desserts!'

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