High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 28)

Down near Trinity
Down near Trinity

Anyhow ... I estimate that I made about seven miles. Not that bad, considering the first part of it was that tough stretch to the trail. I set up camp along Buck Creek at a large dusty site just off the trail. After pitching the tent I took my boot off and changed the dressing on the ankle. It didn't look too bad; there was very little blood and not much of that semi-clear fluid. The butterfly band-aids were holding everything together quite nicely. Sighing as I cinched my boot laces tightly, I thought 'what a production for a little cut.'

I was very tired and feeling sore in more places than just the ankle. All the adjustments I'd made to favor it while hiking had thrown everything else out of whack. But I'd be out the next day and that's all that mattered.

As darkness approached I found myself once again doing my 'last night on the trail' reflection. It had been a glorious hike – some of the best scenery in the Cascades, satisfying challenges met, difficult terrain crossed, and a spiritual touching with the wilderness. On the other hand, it was frustrating to have to bail before the Napeequa Valley. Knowing that one split second of inattention had cost me the completion of the trek was maddening. It was also pretty damned annoying to be so firmly reminded of my physical mortality.

But you play the hand you're dealt or stay away from the table. I have always chosen to live my life as fully as possible and when you do that, some risks are involved. Wasn't it Helen Keller who said something about life being a daring adventure or nothing at all?

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