High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 8)

Thursday, September 6, 2990
Day 5, Spider Meadow (4700')

Spider Meadows
Spider Meadow

Spider Meadow is truly one of the most spectacular "glory spots" in the Cascades. To stand in these meadows and look around at the towering cliffs and beautiful mountains surrounding you is truly awe-inspiring. With a little imagination, you can almost believe you're in the Swiss Alps waiting for a pigtailed Heidi to meet up with the Trapp family over at the next tent site.

We had another late start, leaving Leroy Basin in late morning sunlight that promised another pleasant day of late summer wandering. The Leroy Creek trail is fairly steep and we stopped to rest our cramping legs at one point where the tumbling creek dropped sharply, changing its character from pleasant babbling brook to airborne waterfall.

Finally ... down on the flats! This is the Phelps Creek trail.
Finally ... down on the flats!  This is the Phelps Creek trail.

In a very short time we arrived at the valley floor and the intersection with the Phelps Creek trail. The transition from high-country meadow to deep forest was sudden and complete. The canopy of fir and pine seemed dark and claustrophobic after the past few days of wide-open blue skies.

After about two miles of walking on the flat, wide, well-used trail we emerged from the trees into Spider Meadow. Wow! (You can see from the photos that I am not overstating the beauty of this spot.)

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