High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 6)

Wednesday, September 5, 1990
Day 4, Leroy Creek (6140')

Looking west down Box Creek
Looking west down Box Creek. Glacier Peak is just visible over the High Pass route in the distance.

Yesterday was a hard but wonderfully satisfying day. We again had beautiful sunny skies and warm temperatures. In the mid 80's to low 90's, it was actually a tad too warm for my liking. I never have done well in the heat and I forgot to bring any sunscreen with me. My night-worker albino legs are really sun-burned. C&G bailed me out (again) by giving me some of their Aloe Vera. It's soothed the stinging quite a bit.

We started off yesterday from our camp between the two streamlets that make up the headwaters of Box Creek at about 11:30 AM. Pretty late, I know, but it IS our vacation.

It was well after 7 PM when we got here. I figure we did about five miles. The terrain was rough, and I was nursing my board-stiff back while C&G were balancing their huge, heavy packs. I swear, they pack everything but the proverbial kitchen sink! I am frequently the unashamed beneficiary (moocher) of the contents of those packs. Being up for two weeks, I can't pack beer, fancy cheese, crackers and sausage like they do. They don't have to share their food with me, but they always do. They don't have to drive me up and then pick me up later, but they always do. And all they ever get out of it is a Mexican Dinner at our favorite local restaurant.

There were a lot of stiff climbs on this route
There were a lot of stiff climbs on this route

Anyhow, it was a painfully slow pace but we safely negotiated the old sheep herder's route from Box Creek to Leroy Basin to get here. We lost the 'trail' a couple of times and just wandered on as best as we could. There was a lot of loose scree and a little brush-beating involved. Actually, it was a lot of fun.

After setting up camp we each had a cold beer and relaxed in the sunshine. I had a little trouble keeping the precious amber stuff down; too much cold liquid too fast, no doubt. By dinner I was still feeling a little queasy, so I just had a cup of soup and decided it was time to lay off the aspirin. It's not unusual for me to have a low appetite the first couple of days into a hike, anyhow.  Somedays I just eat M&Ms.  God, but I love M&Ms!

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