High Pass: A glorious hike ending sorta ubruptly

Carne Mountain to High Pass (page 2)

Schmoo Schmoo, sans doggie pack.
Schmoo, the female terrier mix belonging to C&G, has a raw spot by her right front "armpit" which developed during the descent from the Rock Creek-Box Creek divide. Her pack is too long for her little stubby, barrel-shaped body, and the poorly-fitting pack rode too far forward. I imagine Chris will end up carrying the doggy pack tomorrow.

This is the first time Schmoo has hiked with Mica Eiger, my A.S.M (assorted shepherd mix) and the dominance dance has already begun. Schmoo won't eat her dog food, but she stands guard over it to make sure Mica doesn't get a single morsel. Mica looks longingly at the food, then at Schmoo.  The little dog wins the stare-down.  Dejected, Mica walks away to plop herself down by our tent.

Our tent is located on top of a small knoll about 15-20 feet above C&G's tent in this delightful south-facing basin. There's a couple of flat spots for tents, a spring-fed creek, and lots of good rocks to sit upon. All the comforts of home.

C&G setting up camp at Box Creek
C&G setting up camp at Box Creek

I'm looking forward to a long night's sleep. My lower back is sore and I have been eating aspirin like candy to keep the swelling down. I had pulled a muscle three days earlier and my back had stiffened up pretty good. However, I had been planning this hike for a long time and there was NO way I was going to miss it. As long as I could put one foot in front of the other, I was going!

Besides, I figured if worse came to worse I could just hike out with C & G instead of continuing on as planned for the second week of the trek. I'm stubborn, but not entirely stupid.
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