Two weeks in the Pasaytan, just below the Canadian border

1980: The Boundary Trail, page 8

Spanish Camp meadows, west of Cathedral Lake.  Remmel Mtn. in the distance.

Spanish Camp meadows, west of Cathedral Lake. Remmel Mtn. in the distance.

Day Three, Wednesday. 3:50 PM
Ashnola River

Woke to overcast skies and packed up to continue the trek. The meadows of Spanish Camp, just west of Cathedral Lake are lovely ... and apparently where most horse parties pitch their camps. Explains why the lake camps were so clean.

We are now at the Pasaytan Hilton (i.e. the Ashnola River shelter).  The weather has been changing all day and now it looks like rain tonight. But since we’re at the shelter I'll be able to save my tent from getting wet at least one more night.

Micki in front of the Pasaytan Hilton.

Micki in front of the Pasaytan Hilton.

I’m really hoping that no hunters stop here tonight. Unlike the last couple of days, I've seen a LOT of them today -- and I really don't want to share my shelter with anyone.  Besides the hunters, I also saw four women packing six horses up to a meadow near Quartz Lake.  They seem to be having a swell time as they rode by on their swaying horses. I couldn't help but think of all the extravagant crap they had packed in all those saddlebags the poor horses were lugging up the trail.

I have everything I need on my back (smug sense of superiority).

Today and tomorrow are rest days, not layover days but easy mileage days. I made 11-miles today and will do the 8-9 miles to Quartz Lake tomorrow.

(See, I told you I would work into this hiking distance stuff!)

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